I studied at the University of Pretoria, and it was here where I completed both my undergraduate and post graduate degrees. I majored in Criminology and Psychology throughout my undergraduate years, and went on to obtain both my BSoc Sci: Honours degree in Psychology and my Bachelor of Arts Honours degree in Criminology. I finished my tenure at the university by completing a MSC Clinical Psychology degree.
Throughout my master’s degree, practical experience was gained and theoretical knowledge applied from a wealth of therapeutic contexts. My internship year was carried out at Weskoppies Psychiatric Hospital, which afforded me the opportunity of working within a cohesive and well organised multi-disciplinary team of professionals. I completed my community service year at Eshowe District Hospital, where I was exposed to the numerous social and psychological challenges and traumas facing many South Africans in a more rural context. These experiences allowed me to grow and develop further as a clinical psychologist.
I have worked in the contexts of both the psychiatric hospital and the general hospital. These contexts have afforded me the opportunity to have worked with in-patients and out-patients of varying ages, as well as having worked with state patients. I have intervened in cases with a variety of social and psychological difficulties; offering treatment and support to children, adolescents and adults.
In more recent times, I have developed a keen interest in understanding the impact that technology, when combined with an individual’s acts/instances of extreme behaviour, has on others and society as a whole. As such, working with victims of cybercrimes (extortion, fraud, cat fishing, etc.) has become a passion and interest, one that I hope to grow and develop over time. In doing so, I strive to create a space within my practice where clients, and victims alike, are able to engage from their own unique frame without fear of judgement or shame, so as to be heard and understood.
In practice, I use a more integrative approach which allows for the integration of more than one approach when understanding clients from a theoretical standpoint; and in doing so, allows for an effective intervention and treatment process best suited to the individual’s needs. Every person is different, and what works for one person will not necessarily work for the next. As such, I have found the flexibility that comes from a more integrative approach beneficial when helping others with the challenges they present with.
I am registered with the Health Practitioner’s Council of South Africa (HPCSA) as a Clinical Psychologist in Independent Practice.
Registration Number: PS 0143 197
Practice Number: PR 0925 608